Taemin Hong

Senior Software Engineer

About Me

Hi there! I'm Taemin Hong. I'm a software engineer with over a decade of experience developing high-performance 3D applications. I've worked on a variety of projects, including a digital clothing editor, VR training simulators, a 3D modeling tool, and a texture editor.

My expertise includes C++, C#, OpenGL, Unity, TypeScript, React, and more. I'm currently seeking opportunities as a WebGL-based front-end developer.

In my free time, I love exploring open-source projects and customizing tools like Emacs. I also enjoy reading books that offer insights into software development. Outside of the digital realm, I hike a lot.

Work Experience


Product Manager Mar 2022 - Oct 2022
Senior Software Engineer Nov 2020 - Mar 2022
  • C++
  • C#
  • OpenGL
  • Typescript
  • Bash


Software Engineer Jun 2016 - Sep 2019
  • C#
  • Unity
  • Typescript
  • WebGL
  • React
  • Bash

J-One Entertainment

Software Engineer Jul 2015 - Apr 2016
  • C#
  • Unity


Software Engineer Jan 2009 - Dec 2014
  • C++
  • OpenGL

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WebGL Demos


Rendering realistic water is challenging, especially in real-time. This demo showcases how to render a plausible ocean using WebGL.

Depth Peeling

In real-time rendering, correctly rendering multiple layers of transparency is not simple. This demo demonstrates how to achieve this using the Depth Peeling technique.

Physically Based Rendering

Physically Based Rendering is a standard technique in the modern real-time rendering world, but it requires a deeper understanding of 3D rendering and some math. This demo shows a basic implementation of PBR with WebGL.

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